Breeding bees and beekeeping, extracting honey and melting down the beeswax provide an excellent contrast to sitting at a computer.


I have good natured, hard working honey bees for sale.
Please email me for further details or visit my site Norfolk Honey for further information.

So many people want to buy honey bees throughout the UK that I am also looking for more people who want to sell honey bees. I particularly would like to find beekeepers who are not in East Anglia who want to sell bees as I think it's important to keep the stress for the bees to minimum when moving them. If you have honey bees for sale please email me

New for 2009 - the opportunity to network with other bee keepers
Google Groups
Subscribe to UK Bee Keepers
Visit this group

There is also a Facebook UK Beekeepers Group -- click here

Norfolk Honey
is a small site dedicated to Norfolk Honey and bee keeping in Norfolk UK. It also has information on bees for sale in Norwich and Norfolk.

Mite control without chemicals
- my experiment with brood removal to control Varroa mites

Honey bees for sale - buy and sell bees throughout the UK

Honey for sale - buy and sell honey

Honeybeesforsale you tube channel - a few bee videos

Diary of a 'cottager' bee hive. Follows the hive and what has to be done to manage it throughout the year. (old and no longer updated)

A few bee keepers links
Bee keeping products, books, articles and shop
Bee keeping in the city - article