London Baker Street Cornwall Terrace squat (1975)
Cornwall Terrace overlooking Regents Park.
I'm not sure when Cornwall Terrace
was first squatted, or by whom. (see update below) When I found it in the summer of 1975 it was
already occupied by a group of the Divine Light Mission who were quite well
organised with rooms dedicated for meditation and communual activities. They
even had their own health food shop where anyone could buy musli at a very
Although the Divine Light Mission took much of the space available,
the buildings were so large that there were many rooms colonised by
other groups, and empty rooms free to use.
For one summer the Cornwall Terrace squat housed homeless people from around
London and the UK. There were also visitors from other parts of the world,
some of whom had come to join the Divine Light Mission, but many others were just travelling through and needed a place to stay for a while.
'Our' room (in number 14) was one of two large reception rooms on the ground floor the walls of which
were soon decorated with a large painting that stretched around the room.
I don't know when the squat came to an end ----??? (Katherine was there
- see below)
If you have more information on the Cornwall Terrace Squat near Baker Street London in 1975 that could go on this page please email me.
the beginning of 1975, Cornwall Terrace, a historic Nash building overlooking
London's Regents Park left empty by the Crown Commissioners, was opened up
and rapidly filled by over 300 people.

squat n :
Famous 1970s London squats include Cornwall Terrace,
Regent’s Park (since it was owned by the Queen)
Katherine's memories
Before I moved in I walked house to house looking for a room, I remember the Eastern meditation house I beleive number 3. I looked around to me then it was really wierd, anyway I secured a massive room in number 10. I remember Derek (the Irish guy) was doing a lot of home brewing in the basement kitchens. I made friends with 'the boys' upstairs from me and a highlight of my stay was a massive 3 day/night party we put on. (There was lots of drugs there too) I painted a big mural in the 'ballroom''. I remember taking trips and sneaking over to the park (REGENT PARK) at night, pinching a boat and rowing in the lake. Getting chased out by the park police. There were a lot of people wandering in and out STONED all the time but no hard stuff (heroin) at our house anyway. It was a glorious summer, the place was magnificent. My first boyfriend CLIVE lived there we lasted a year (wonder what happened to him????)
We got notice of the EVICTION and our house plus some others (ie TED the bum who collected mattresses) moved around the corner to two abandoned hotels in Baker street. I saw the end from regents park. TV crews and reporters everywhere. Police cut off surrounding streets and 9 or 10 coaches of police turned up for the BIG eviction day, but less than 40 people remained. I think it was OCTOBER time of year.
I did habour some resentment, as all my housemates pretty much had options for housing were as I was genuinely homeless and really Cornwall terrace was a glamourous break from the dingy squats I was used to and what came the time I had a part time job and was going to school!
Tarlach's memories
My name is Tarlach.
I was squatting in Cornwall Terrace during that year.
I came to London to 'get Knowledge' from the Divine Light Mission.
I went to the Palace of Peace and was told it might take a while for me to
be considered ready.
I needed some where to live so I was told about Cornwall Terrace.
I got a room in number 3. I was sharing with another Irish guy (I am Irish
also) called Tommy.
There was a woman with red hair also sleeping in the room.
We where only there on our second night when we decided to cook on a small
gas camping cylinder.
You know the small blue ones. The squat was very new then. Only a few weeks
There was a meeting going on in the next room, some of the original squatters.
They where getting organised. The dam cylinder blew up and the wall, which
was partition wall made of
a wooden frame and plaster, board blew out and into the room where the meeting
was being held. The wall just fell into the room intact. Lucky for the people
in the room there was a support pole, which the wall leaned against, preventing
it from falling on them. They looked so shocked.
Meanwhile the gas was on fire in our room. I opened the window and shoved the
woman with red hair onto the balcony and helped Tommy put out the fire. What
an entrance.
Then I got my own room, in number 5, I think. On the first floor.
Became friends with a guy called Greg, with whom I did a lot of LSD.
We had a tripping room, no shoes, incense, nice materials hanging and lots of
comfort with mattresses covered with nice materials. Lots of people came to the
room to trip out and ask advice on tripping.
We used to go into Regents Park at dawn and pick the daffodils. Huge bunches.
We took them back and used to leave small bunches outside each door, in the long
corridors that connected the buildings on the inside.
The corridors where great, you could go from building to building almost the
length of the street without going outside. I think some people never went outside
for months on end.
The people I remember are Greg, whom I have mentioned and Irish Tommy.
A beautiful black woman called Catherina, she had a son and had been traveling
in India.
Danny, with mad looking red henna hair. He was a hair dresser living in the
Divine Light house.
His girl friend was Moroccan, or from someplace like that. She had fallen asleep
on the bar of an electric fire and marked her face badly. On some sleeping pills.
A big German guy who used to give massages, mostly to the women.
Cleansing a room which a guy had used to perform a black mass. Up-side-down cross
painted on the wall, along with strange magic spells and symbols. We chanted
and painted the walls white.
I met a woman called Andi there and we moved to Wales a short while before the
terrace was closed down.
We stayed together and had a daughter.
The beginning, the first two months where idealistic. Negotiations with the council
to put in plumbing, bathrooms and kitchens. They began the work, installing copper
tanks and plumbing. They got as far as number 3 when one night some junkies ripped
off the copper and sold it. That was the end of the council doing anything for
the street. The demise was related to drugs. At first it was a gentle hippy vibe,
hash and acid.
Then slowly the junkies began to exert their negative influence. Rooms robbed.
This infulence slowly took over the street. Cumulating in some bank robbers hiding
out in number 1 with guns.
I had many acid trips there. I was taking 'Operation Julie' blue slate acid
at the time.
Lovely stuff, which I was getting from Wales. Good old Buzz and Smiles. : )
I remember sat sang in the ballroom.
The free food kitchen in number 19. Chanting in the kitchen.
The corridors. Being on the roof. The great summer weather.
The access to the park at night.
The huge windows and lovely wooden floors.
I would love to hear from people who where there.
I wonder what happened to the people I remember.
That's it.
How it got started
Can't say much but we entered thru no.1 ground floor (which may have technically been Baker st?) It was an empty NZ high commission! A window had been left open. Got in with a backpack full of yale locks to be fitted on the front doors. Luckily from about no. 3 on there was a corridor all the way thru the terrace so we didn't have to keep going on the roof! We were nuts and naive......I didn't personally organize it. Lots of people were involved. I was squatting in Chester gate at the time - another crown commission prop....and never returned to the terrace. Sorry to hear that it didn't work out. Probably too big to manage properly.....There were many other successful smaller scenes. One thing it brought to light was the power of the 'crown estate commissioners' - and just how much land the crown has - there is a reason why 'Regents Street' is so named.
best paul.
Bruno’s stories
My name is Bruno and I am Italian. I have been in Cornwall Terrace squat, between
the months of August and September; I came to London, for a journey in hitchhiking
for the Europe, during the summer of 1975. I had eighteen years and travelled
alone, a student with rucksack and sleeping bag, without money. I asked the money
with a smile, in the roads and the railway stations, or I oiled the guides of
the rolling shutters of the shops, equipped with a small bucket for lube oil,
a small paintbrush and a long rod, (in a couple of hours I succeeded to make
fifty € of today).
After to have spent a week to Manchester, from a girl of name Theresa met in
Italy, I am returned to London with her fiancé, of name Tats. He worked
to London as driver and lived in a spacious room with bath, to ground floor of
Cornwall Terrace to the n°13.
I remained fascinated by the large white building, whit a facade of great architectural
beauty, left empty by “NZ Embassy High-Commission”. Tats had a friend
of name Mohammed; he was a man of colour, a very nice person, he worked in the
subway. Mohammed inhabited in a part of the attic, with windows on Regent’s
Park, on the third floor of Cornwall Terrace n°1. We have spent a lot of
night together listening to music, speaking and to smoking joints.
Tats always was busy with the job or he went to Manchester from Theresa.
After a few days, which I slept from Tats or Mohammed, I moved to Cornwall Terrace
n°1. To second floor there was two ample rooms left free from not long time,
with wooden floor and window on Baker Street, water and electricity. In these
rooms, communicating through a bathroom, disordered and a little dirty, there
were a bed, a chest of drawers with a mirror, some mattresses, a sideboard, electric
heater and an electric cooker. Tats and I have put the pad locks on the doors,
together with a man of Greek origin named Angelino. He was not a friend of Tats;
he had slept the night before in one of those rooms.
Angelino had thirty-two years; he had not work and lived of expedients, he knew
all the people who lived in the “squat”. Angelino used hard drugs,
but he did not demonstrate it, because he was robust fellow and very quiet. The
day after, while Angelino and I cleaned the rooms, came, a Spanish man whit a
trumpet. He was a political exile; he said that had lived in that room, he played
with the trumpet some Spanish ballads and greeted us happy. He returned in Spain,
for the imminent fall of the Spanish military dictatorship of “Francisco
Those rooms soon became a port of sea; there was good feeling and harmony. Many
boys, as me, of various nationalities that travelled and had need of place where
to be, came to stay there for a while: Nadine, Patrizio and Luciana, Ronan, Luisa,
Silvia, Sophie, Luca and Francoise, Mark, Danielle, Giorgio, Astrid, Jane, Michael
and another……. Nadine and Danielle after have been my girlfriends
in those days. Sophie gave me hospitality in her home nearby Paris for a week,
in October of the same year before of return to home.
I do not remember much about the group of Divine Light Mission, only a large
reception room with huge windows, to first floor of Cornwall Terrace n°1,
where I went an evening with Angelino, while we wandering “stoned” in
and out for all the “squat”. There were many flowers, an intense
incense scent and oriental mural pictures, whit a lot of strange people that
hosanna they. Just opposite, inhabited Tony and Cinzia, an Irish boy and an Italian
girl, very friends of Angelino. In the attic beside Mohammed, lived a boy and
girl very reserved, they was French. I have been from them an afternoon, for
drink one cup of tea together, but I do not remember their names.
A group, of four or five English boy, still lived upstairs from me in the attic.
They was “soft drug dealers”, had also the telephone and listened
to the good music, “soul, bleus and rock”, I heard it of the night.
One of first evenings that I was in Cornwall Terrace n°1, I went from them
in order to buy little of hash. When I said: “I want to buy a pound sterling
of hash” all burst out laughing, they gave me little of hash and every
time we met, they laughed of heart. After some days, I realized that they sold
only large amount of hash.
In another large reception room to ground floor of Cornwall Terrace n°5,
there was instead a distinguished man who issued certificates of residence for
people of the “squat”, it was useful for to obtain an unemployment
In the month of September, the Police have come several times. A few day before
that I left the “squat” around the end of the month, the Police have
took a census door to door, of the people who lived there. Various “Pushers” lived
in Cornwall Terrace squat, and many Junkies come for shoot up, I was present
at some overdoses, with Angelino that repeated continuously “Too much water”.
There were much hard drugs and many financial interests for that historic Nash
building overlooking Regent’s Park, to the heart of London. I think this
was the main reason of end its. I learned of the closing occurred in October
of the same year.
I know that Cornwall Terrace building was leased to “British Land” as
their headquarters, between 1978 to 2006. Recently “Crown Estate Commissioners” has
sold Cornwall Terrace building. Restoration works are underway now, by “Mirax
Group Corporation”, the building is divided into independent luxury residences,
one thousand square meters each. I have written these memories with the help
of my diary notes of “Journey in hitchhiking – Europe 1975”.
Ciao, Bruno.
Robin's story,
I went to a meeting held by the Camden squatters advisory service with a few friends and on 3 jan 1975 we occupied the terrace, about 20 houses. No. 11 was being used as an office. We ended up in no.10 next door to the divine light people, that was the only house they occupied.
We left in sept. and moved to another squat, 164-166 Gloucester Place, the Terrace was evicted by the end of the year. I hope that was helpful,
yours, robin
Geoff's memories - and requests
The squat was opened by Piers Corbyn of the Elgin Avenue squat and, I believe, Mad Mick (Guerilla Bookshop) and others from the squat in Tolmers Village. It was nearly full when I arrived, but there was a room at the very end in number 20.
Those researching events '73-'79 and beyond will grasp the significance of the squat being on Crown Estates Land.
Does anyone remember a group who turned up at the first meeting and shouted out a warning about an earlier squat, on Ministry of Defence land, in which some very strage things had happened before eviction?
It was not all Junkies (concentrated houses 1-3) or Divine Lighters (approx 4-11).
I am particularly interested in seeing again Sid (Secretary of "Cromwell Residents Association") and Jill Jeffries, Joe (Treasurer), Dave Carrol and Eddie the Architect. Any information on the whereabouts and doings of Charlie Bata would be very welcome indeed. Was anyone else poisoned at the time of the court case in the Strand?
Geoff Lee
Geoff Lee (second email)
I was suprised to hear of another phone - the only one I knew of was installed by Charlie in number 3 (or near to 3) the mews. No bill was ever sent nor was he charged for installation.
Sid and Jill were at 19 along with the synthesiser guy + girlfriend and the dancer girl. The communal kitchen was also at 19, run by ex-army Vince and, if I remember rightly, Spenser.
I would be very interested if anyone can tell me anything of Jim Horne or Peter Guest. Perhaps the guy who hid Rhino's knife would know? Was that you?
Does anyone know anything of the involvement of GB75?
On a happier note does anyone know what happened to Mark Stone (not the treacherous copper, but the ex-guitarist from the Purple Alchmist who used to be the resident band at the Magic Village in Machnchester in the late 60's)?
Jeremy Martin
I was with Robin and a couple of others from the Camden squatters meeting he mentions; the guy who set it up was a Time Out journalist called Richard. We occupied No.10 and it was a bit of a haven from the junkies – the Divine light people were next door and were pretty good neighbours, their leader often came over to our fairly well-organised squat to soak up a bit of relative normality. We got the central heating system set up, and everyone enjoyed heat and hot water until the coal ran out – it was hard to raise the cash for more. Many more memories if anyone is interested.
Very interesting, thanks for following up on the link. Some of the posts of the origin of the squat are definitely incorrect - I was there, and was definitely NOT anything to do with Jeremy Corbyn though he did try to get involved later. The guy who set it up was Richard Brown ex Capital radio and Time Out
I would love to get in touch with Katherine, who lived in our house; I knew her after the squats and have lost touched. If you connect us would be great - she would have known me as Pru
Giorgio's story
I squatted in London for a very short time in the summer of 1975. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say I was the guest of a squatter, most probably the Bruno whose post of his squatting experience in Cornwall Terrace in August and September of 1975 can be found on this webpage. In his post, Bruno mentions a Giorgio, but my guess is that he is not referring to me but to the other Giorgio who traveled with me to London that summer, and with whom I believe he was in touch for a while.
For many years I tried to recollect where exactly I stayed in central London. All I could remember was that the place was close to Baker Street station and my impression was that I would enter the building from Allsop place. Then a few days ago I came across this website and I realized the building where I stayed was Cornwall Terrace.
I can't remember exactly how my friend Giorgio and I ended up there. For a while we stayed up in the Crystal Palace campground, the only place we could afford, being two Italian hitchhikers with little or no money in our purses. I in particular was completely broke after having quickly spent the little money I had made working the night shift in a pickle-canning factory in Amsterdam. An English fellow I had met there had given me the address of a London cleaning company and I got a job there for a while. The pay was meager, and I was dispatched everywhere in the city. I met some interesting people, though. My friend Giorgio (whom I have not seen or heard from in years) was not working and my guess is that he met Bruno somewhere in London, maybe in Piccadilly Circus, where loads of young people used to congregate. I can't remember the details but now, after checking the information on this webpage, I am sure we ended up moving to Cornwall Terrace, where other Italians were also staying. Some of the names mentioned in Bruno's post sound familiar. I also remember quite well that at some point -- as he writes -- policemen showed up to take a door-to-door census. For all I can remember, they were polite.
One more detail in Bruno's post that matches my own memory of that summer is the bit about the possibility of picking up residency papers from the people who were in charge of the occupation. I got one of those papers, and I was eventually able to use it to collect an unemployment check. It wasn't a lot of money, but enough to pay for my ferry to France, where I went for the grape picking season (another great adventure!).
As others have said, there were many people high all the time, or most of the time, on the premises. Most people indulged in soft drugs (myself included), but there were heroine addicts as well. I remember one night an English guy overdosed and was taken to hospital. He was treated and came back the same night. We were quite surprised as we all thought that in Italy most probably he would have been detained for having done something illegal..
I too remember taking walks in the park, especially at night. The summer of 1975 was an exceptionally warm and dry summer throughout Northern Europe. I have no recollection however of the Divine Light folks. I really can't remember anything about them.
Bruno says in his post that he had electricity and running water in his rooms. He must be right, of course, but I remember that to take a bath one day I had to ask one of the people in charge of the building to use a flat with a bath tub because to the best of my memory in the rooms we occupied there was neither a shower nor a bathtub.
My squatting experience was brief, but it surely was intense. That whole summer -- four long months on the road, with no savings in my pocket -- was the most memorable adventure of my life. I am grateful to the person who created this webpage, as it has helped me piece together some memories from that special time. I hope if Bruno reads my post he will try to get in touch with me. The creator of this page has my email and is authorized to give it to him.
Ciao, Giorgio
2/10/2022 janis
I stayed in a room in number 19 Cornwall terrace
At that time I met Sid and Jill
After Cornwall Terrace Sid n Jill along with myself ? (My black Cat called Kabulz) moved into a tiny but quaint cottage on church premises in Camden The church ppl allowed us to stay and I remember painting and making it of the rooms was painted in brown n beige which looked great
Also went to Sids 'wedding' not to Jill lol more about that another time
I remember a one of their friend was called Strawberry Mike and another was a tall man called Jason. Strawberry was call thus as he had a red birth mark that covered a lot of his face...I loved Mike tried to follow up but no joy he was a member of a spiritual family and they were looking to attain The knowledge...seeking this by doing levels of meditation...they also called Mike a Premi ...and memories not letting me acquire that data for now
I was in a very good Friendship with a man called Ivor and I kept contact for a few year till he went to China I believe..he introduced me to Shawn Phillips & vinyl called FACES
Also John Martyn grateful for that I still have the vinyl to this day
He lived in a room above me attic room
Look at me this is all very nostalgic and I even got pregnant at Cornwall Terrace
I remember how hot it was that year and when the skies opened ppl came out on to the pavement and ....danced rejoiced etc it was a great day
We used go to to Bedford College and hook up with students for discounted drinks
Sometimes we'd liberate a row boat (usually midnight hours)and chill on the water as u would
Ok I'm off now its been fun remembering
House 14 had a large reception room that we used with windows that opened up at the back.
Maggie and Beth - their story
About me and how I ended up in Cornwall terrace London.
I am Margaret Hazlehurst. It's my single name, I'm 72 years old and I live in the North East UK. At age 16 I was married in a little village church in Lymm Cheshire. At 19 I hitch hiked to London, after too much abuse. All I had was the clothes on my back. The snow was deep.
I went to receive the knowledge.
To Highgate and the Mahatma Monabi Ji gave me the 4 techniques of knowledge.
I stayed in Fulham Broadway on a settee until the Guru came to the UK. And I got Darshan. (That's when you see the Guru and he sees you, and blows his breath on you). I had nothing and a king from India smiled at me. He was 13 and I was 19. I stayed and I saw him a lot, he still inspires me.
I had 4 years of education and no factory would take me. I'm left handed. I lived on settees and washed up. Cooked and talked about my Guru.
From 1972 to Cornwall terrace.
I had lived in 5 squats. Sold Oz mags on the street. Sold paintings and icons door to door. Restored antique clocks in Portobello Road. And smoked a lot of pot. (without tobacco). I met Gregory Heresy and Stefan from Hasting in a squat, they took me to Cornwall Terrace. At the time there were plenty of empty rooms and the 2 baths had just been put in. The Premies from Divine Light Mission had already moved in from the ashram. And were busy painting white emulsion on walls. And sanding, varnishing the wooden floors.
I lived in 5 different rooms around the squat over the time of my stay. I cleaned toilets and sinks, brushed the stairs and cooked and made tea.
This is my recollection.
Early days. All I knew about the politics was. The place belonged to the Prince of Wales and a meeting had been held in the 1st house on the Terrace. I've not got a political bone in my body.
In a previous squat in Shepherds Bush I met Richie. And he saved my life once when an angry man was going to kill me.
Another story.
So Richie Starkie, one of many relatives of Ringo Starr who came from Liverpool. They had come from families who had 3 generations on the dole. Survivors.
Richie lived in the basement of the house in the Terrace a couple of doors up from the Premie house. It was a white walled basement with 4 rooms. I took what was probably a broom cupboard with no windows. I had a mattress and a 3 bar electric fire and a light bulb. I was only going to sleep there. Graham and Paul lived there as well. All nice lads.
Richie was interested in the esoteric books and he got me reading. It had taken me 3 years to read Lord of the Rings before this.
But I had been selling Oz comics a while back. I read Richard Neville's 'Play Power.' And his 'Little Red book'. It was useful to homeless people and from it I found out I could go to the Victorian public baths in the local swimming pool and for a very small price I could have a nice big warm bath and a big very clean white towel. Heaven!!! I went twice a week.
I loved the "Be Here Now" book by Ram Dass. Wonderful drawing. Very inspiring.
In the only room in the basement we set up tables and put clothing we didn't want on them. With a notice saying "take what you need, leave what you don't need." It worked.
The Premie house.
First I will explain. This was not squatted by the Divine Light Mission. The mission was a way of life. Not a cult. The mission is Peace. Prem is our Guru's first name. Premie means lover of peace. Someone who receives the knowledge of the 4 techniques of meditation and practices it is called a Premie.
Sat Sang were Premies talking about the experience. And anyone could talk, while all quietly listened. Also there was singing devotional songs and music. The songs and music got louder as more people arrived and the music got more exquisite as more artists came to play. You could hear it all over the terrace and from the Regent's Park across the road. The park is beautiful with camelia houses made of glass and peacocks roaming free. Inside the Premie house. Sat Sang. Meaning the song of truth happened in a very large room like a dance hall with many cushions. There were vases of flowers and incense sticks burning in the room and a chair with a picture of the Guru Mararaji JI in a frame on it for if he came. He did not.
I moved in.
I was living on the top floor in what was once an office. Across from me lived Danny and Jill. They were addicted to heroin. But Jill had been raped, and was heavily pregnant and had weened herself off the smack. And was in treatment and getting the knowledge. She was small and frail. Her arm was withered from crashing out on smack and lying on the arm till it went numb. She could not use it. Danny was with Jill 10 years by then. They had been taking heroin for 9 years.
Danny cut everyone's hair into a mullet. Said he had worked for Vidal Sassoon before the smack became his life.
Jill gave birth to twins only one survived. She was named Beth.
2 weeks after Jill came from the hospital, I saw her in the washrooms. She had a kettle of boiling water and she poured it over her foot. She went to hospital in a ambulance. But before they arrived Danny brought Beth to me and a bottle to my room. I had Beth in my room for 2 weeks. Danny would bring nappies and milk and clothes, bedding and a carry cot. He explained he and Jill could not have baby's, because he couldn't.
Beth was beautiful and a good baby.
Not long after Jill had Beth back she was warming the bottle for Beth on a pan on an old electric fire on its back, she tripped over the wire and fell face first into the fire and ended up back in hospital and I got Beth back.
My neighbour was Lue Predor. A Premie. Who wandered about his room in no clothes but apart from that was a nice man and helped with Beth.
In a broom cupboard was Ken, a world traveler from Australia. He was fun. But his socks stank the cupboard out.
One day after Jill took Beth back again.
I was eating a pie in a cafe on Baker Street. And I noticed an old lady asking people something standing outside Baker Street underground. I went over and asked her what she was doing. Turned out she had been there for years asking people if they had seen her small dog. It had run off. I gave her my room and bed.
I moved across the corridor to a room with a window and a 4 poster single bed.
I was in the nook with the oak book shelf and 4 poster bed, when friends (who I squatted with in Hastings) turned up and needed somewhere to live. I gave them my room and went in the night and slept on the end of Mr Nells bed in the night he crawled to the end of the bed and made love to me. And I stayed with him. We used to meditate back to back to keep out backs strait and to stay awake. I loved him. He was the love of my life.. But it didn't last.. Nothing does.
Mr Nell and Phil were Premies they had both lived in an ashram. And lived in the Premie house. Phill drove a Commer van and took a van load of us to a Guru puja in Germany to see the Guru.
Eric the Dane. Premie. Lived in the Premie house with his wife. And introduced us to healthy vegetarian food. And drink and herbs. Instead of chips and chocolate.
Guru Maharaji Ji got married. Much to our Joy.
The Divine Light Mission bought an old cinema and turned it into The Palace of Peace. Painted it all white and added a vegetarian Cafe. And showed cartoons for the kids and inspiring films like 'Brother Sun Sister Moon'. And had Sat Sang and lots of music and singing.
They had an old double decker bus called The Peace Bus to do free transport to the Palace. And also a coach that took Premies and volunteers from Cornwall terrace to shepherds bush.
And with consent from the parents. Took gipsy children from their homes in caravans under the motorway to Burnham Beeches woods to play.
And on rainy days to see cartoons at the Palace of peace. A qualified first aider was always in the coach to patch up many of the children's wounded hands, as they played around the bonfires the rag and bone men made with stuff they didn't want.
Meanwhile other volunteers and Premies built the gypsy kids an adventure playground under the motorway flyover in Shepherd's Bush.
One night the Premies sat all night in meditation for Marian Maharaja's wife as she gave birth to their first child with the help of a Leboyer midwife. Baby Premlata is a girl.
Richie helped me to sign on. "don't tell 'em you are homeless, tell them Cornwall Terrace".
I used to have dreams and nightmares about Cornwall Terrace for years after. Walking the long corridors that ran from one end of the terrace to the other, visiting the other houses from the inside. There was poly drug abuse. Thanks to Timothy Learys. "try everything once" And long distance lorry drivers. Always the smell of Moroccan pot. Hash. Dope. And incense.
300?? residents - but thousands of visitors. The thieves thought they were Robin Hood, stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
The next time I got Beth to look after was when I was called out to a crazy party where Danny and Jill had passed out. I was given the baby carry cot with Beth and her kit. I was living with Mr Nell in a room behind the Satsang room. Mr Nell was good to Beth and we looked after her. In a different house in the Terrace thieves had stolen a big marble fireplace. They found boarded up. They sold it. Everyone heard about it.
We knew we would soon be evicted. Maybe jailed. We needed to find somewhere else. By now Beth was going to the clinic for her weight and injections. She was playing in a baby bouncer. Danny and Jill were older than most of us, and were busy putting people off heroin and cutting hair into mullets. They visited Beth less and less. Jill gave Beth to me. I decided to tell the health visitor. I was afraid the squat would be raided and Danny and Jill would disappear. And leave me with Beth and no proof, and I didn't know where I would next live. The health visitor was happy about my care. And I asked Danny and Jill for their permission to arrange for Beth to be fostered. They agreed and Mr Nell agreed. We all met the foster parents. The mum was lovely and fell in love with Beth at first sight.
I never saw Beth again, Bless her, I hope she has a good life full of wonder.
A silly girl who had been swooping sex for "downers" in the terrace, died in the first house. She was about 17 years old.
We left.
Phil had got a shop called Mr grumpy in Camden Market and Mr Nell and I lived above the shop that sold antiques and bric-a-brac.
Soon after that Cornwall Terrace was evicted.
In 1983 I left London to live in the north east of the UK. With no address book.
In 1988 I was registered with a green card Specific Dyslexia (NVLD)
In 1992 I received a BA hons with a distinction in fine art and creative community arts from the University of Northumbria in Newcastle.
I've lived in this council house for 34 years with a fruit garden and not far from the beaches of Northumbria.
If you would like to see what my Guru is doing now look at you tube and find Prem Rawat....
Truth is the consciousness of bliss.
Maggie x
If you have a memory please email me