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Week 44/ 28 Oct - 4 Nov

Things you can do this week The end of October and the begging of November is the time to start turning your attention to planting garlic, sowing broad beans and planting tulips. If your ground is not yet dug and ready for these three tasks - get digging now. The time for sowing Autumn broad beans isn't critical and can be done at any time during the next three weeks (and you could have already sown some in last three weeks). Those that are sown earlier will be more subject to frost damage if we get a mild early winter followed by hard frosts later on so making several sowings over the weeks is a good insurance policy.

Gardening diary week 44

October 28th - November 4th

When planting garlic in the UK you will be well advised to initially buy specialist cloves that have been selected for our climate from a seed catalogue rather than using garlic on sale in the supermarket as seed. The garlic sold in supermarkets is almost certainly not grown in this country and will therefore not give you the best results. In future years you will be able to keep the larger specimens from your own crop and use them for your seed.
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Saturday Sunday 28/29th October 2006. Another lovely warm still weekend. Clean up time. Ive made several trips to the dump, sorting and taking old metal, plastic and broken glass away from the plot. The old metal I inherited from previous owners, the glass I took up there years ago as windows that had been removed to be replaced with plastic ones with intention of building some kind of green house. Over the years some of the widows that had been laid to one side had become neglected and broken. I had let the brambles to grow over them (and a multiple of other sins) allowing the area to grow wild as a wild-life haven. When the Head Gardener saw the old broken glass under the brambles on her search for foxes she was beside herself with anger and all the glass has had to be removed and taken to the dump.
The Aqua Dulce broad beans seeds we sowed a couple of weeks ago were just up and poking through the ground and ready for a first hoeing around.
Harold has given me two varieties of winter lettuce seedlings this year. They will be the first lettuces ready in the spring next year.
Sunday October 30th 2005 Another extremely mild day. I've started a new tulip bed next to the little apple tree that has been doing so well in recent years. It's a bed that I dug over in the spring in order to get the bind weed out. Judging by how much bind weed was still in there, not very successfully apparently. It's a bed that has had rocket left there to go to seed in the last few years so I'm hopefully that it will produce more rocket and possibly land cress as well as tulips in the spring. After the tulips have finished and been dug up I will give the bed a dig over and remove more bind weed and add plenty of manure before planting out squashes there for the summer.
I planted out what was left of the Japanese onion seedlings.
Saturday October 29th 2005 This autumn the weather has been record breaking. Never have we experienced such warm weather at this time of the year. And this week was no exception as we experienced several warm days of continuous bright sunshine. Today it was a little gray but still warm nonetheless. I haven't thought much about snowdrops and aconites recently until today when I decided to give the area under the apple tree a weed. Evening primrose is quick to established itself throughout my allotment as I tolerate a lot of it letting it flower and go to seed for the birds. But those growing under the apple tree I pulled up along with any verbascum that is just as prolific if left to it's own devices.
The japanese onion sets got their first weed and liquid feed today.
I pulled a few good sized leeks today. The leeks did get quite consistently attacked by leek moth this year and I think this new pest is going to be with us from now on. The organic control method for leek moth that seems to be effective is to screw or cut the top of the plants off as soon as there is any sign of moth damage thereby removing the grub before it can develop and eat it's way right down into the center of the plant. The leeks soon recover from the loss of leaf and the moth doesn't it seems lay more than one egg per plant or on the same plant twice. Obviously if the leeks are well established and healthy before half their foliage is removed they will stand a better chance of making a good recovery and growing to good sized plants and those few plants that moth misses altogether will be bigger and better plants than the rest. Maybe this will be another crop that will need to be grown under fleece to get maximum results in future.
Friday October 28th 2005 The greengage tree outside my window has just had a visit from two Great Tits one Blue Tit and a Firecrest I'm sure it was a Firecrest although they can be easily confused with Goldcrests. As the leaves have have fallen from the branches I guess the bugs have moved to the nooks and crannies in the bark for their winter quarters and are going to provide a winter larder for these insect eating birds.
31st October This weekend sees the end of an era for me as I move the shed out of the apiary site and down to the allotment.

Urban Jungle Sell exotic and jungle plants including cannas, gingers, bananas, tree ferns, palms, bamboos and aroids by mail order and from their nursery in Norfolk.

J&S Email Patrick