Gardening diary week 48 - bee blog
November 25th - December 2nd
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The first week in December in the allotment is a busy one if the weather is fine.
It's a good time to sow pea seed, plant garlic, prune the grape vine, prune
apple trees and soft fruit bushes, prepare the ground for planting shallots,
liquid feed leeks and spring cabbages, take hardwood cuttings of the soft fruit
bushes and dig up any remaining potatoes.
Tuesday 2nd December I did dig up some more potatoes
today and did sow some Metior peas. The weather wasn't warm
but the ground wasn't frozen and it wasn't raining and in the middle of the
afternoon there was even a brief showing of a rather weak and anaemic sun.
I had planted the red main crop potatoes on the
felt from an old futon mattress. (potatoes
planted March 27th) I'm not sure that helped them grow any better
but it certainly helped me to find them as I dug ground that was grown over
with grass and weeds.

Jerusalem Artichokes are easy to grow. All you need is a little space for them to be left alone in and they will get on with it themselves. From what I can see they have no pests or deseases to trouble them. They grow tall and fast in the summer and can probably out compete most of the weeds that we have in our plots. I grow them in the same space each year and start digging them up around now. I simply leave a few in the ground to grow next year and dump muck on the ground in the winter when the tubers are dormant. More photos
Wednesday 22nd November 2006. I have finished planting my tulips. I’m not sure why or how I have become so obsessive about planting every single little tulip bulb that I can find every year. It is not as though they are rare, expensive or unusual tulips. They are not. They are just ordinary tulips that can be purchased in ay garden centre in the autumn for around 10 pence a bulb. That is 10p for a flowering sized bulb not a minute bulb that has to be grown for several years before it gets big enough to flower. I guess it’s the ‘waste not want not’ principle. If it can be used, saved or re-used then that is what you do with it.
2005 Wednesday 22nd November 2006. I have finished planting my tulips. I’m not sure why or how I have become so obsessive about planting every single little tulip bulb that I can find every year. It is not as though they are rare, expensive or unusual tulips. They are not. They are just ordinary tulips that can be purchased in ay garden centre in the autumn for around 10 pence a bulb. That is 10p for a flowering sized bulb not a minute bulb that has to be grown for several years before it gets big enough to flower. I guess it’s the ‘waste not want not’ principle. If it can be used, saved or re-used then that is what you do with it.
Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th November 2005 As much as last weekend it was Autumn this weekend it was winter. Cold and frosty and I'm still digging up potatoes. 2004
Sunday November 28th 2004 We have hard one or two hard frosts in the last couple of weeks. Enough the knock the Dalias out altogether and send soft any odd potatoes left on the surface. Those still under the ground (I know they should have been dug up by now) are still OK - but I must make an effort and dig any remaining up soon. Started preparing the ground for sowing peas next weekend they are going in ground used for potatoes that were dug up earlier in the year. 2003
November 29/30 2003 The last weekend in November saw a break in the rain and a chance to finish planting the tulips. During the week we had some frost in the back garden so it was also time dig up any remaining dalias. The tulips in the allotment were planted in ground that caulis were growing in. In the garden they went in flower beds where the dalias had been removed.
Started prunning the apple trees.
2002 Saturday 30th November 2002 It's the last day of November and we still haven't had a real frost. The Dahlia leaves were just touched some weeks back but nothing like normal when the whole plant goes brown overnight and keels over. It's good for me as I'm still digging up potatoes and planting tulips.
I gave my small cooking apple tree another good weed around it's roots for the second time this year. Even though it had been done before there was still an amazing amount of grass growing there. The bulbs that had been dug up in the spring have now been moved around again. Hope they don't mind.
Urban Jungle Sell exotic and jungle plants including cannas, gingers, bananas, tree ferns, palms, bamboos and aroids by mail order and from their nursery in Norfolk.
UK Gardening Weekly tips.