Gardening diary week 45 - bee blog
November 4th - November 11th
Tie up climbing roses and prune out some of the very oldest wood leaving the new growth. Check fruit in store. Continue to remove all old dead leaves from Brussels sprouts. Begonias need to be stored for the winter in a frost free place. Collect leaves to make leaf mould.
The warm weather continues. I have been making extra effort the weed the Japanese onion sets that I planted last month. Japanese Onions are a really useful crop for several reasons. One is the fact that they grow in the autumn winter and spring and give a crop of onions that can be used both in salads as young onions or stored as dry onions. I also like the fact that they don't suffer the same disease problems that our traditional onions do.
Friday 9th November 2006 The allotment dahlias have been blackened by frost and the tops of those at the end of the plot (where they tend to fall over the road) have been cut off and put into the compost heap.

My Dahlia seedling has now got it's certificate as a new variety and is now called 'Laslett's Tequila Sunrise'. I have been growing it for the last twenty years and it is as tough as any Dahlia I have come across and grows really easily.
This week has been colder as winter approaches although we have still had very little rain. The wind has been strong enough to dislodge most of the apple still left on the trees.
Urban Jungle Sell exotic and jungle plants including cannas, gingers, bananas, tree ferns, palms, bamboos and aroids by mail order and from their nursery in Norfolk.